

晨光生物科技集团股份有限公司是一家专注于天然植物有效成分提取的高科技型上市企业,在国内外建有20多家子(分)公司,主要研制和生产天然色素、天然香辛料提取物和精油、天然营养及药用提取物、油脂和蛋白等四大系列80多种产品,是全球主要的辣椒红色素、辣椒油树脂、叶黄素等天然植物提取物生产供应商,出口创汇连年居中国植物提取物行业前列。 Chenguang Biotech Group Co., Ltd. is a listed company (for short CCGB, stock code: 300138) with 22 subsidiary companies. CCGB focus on the development and production of natural colors, flavors, essential oils, nutritional and pharmaceutical extracts, oil and proteins, totally four categories with more than 80 products. We are the main producer and supplier of natural plant extraction for paprika oleoresin, capsicum oleoresin and marigold oleoresin. Our export earnings keep a leading position in China's plant extract industry for years. 公司先后荣获农业产业化国家重点龙头企业、国家技术创新示范企业、国家高新技术企业等诸多殊荣;建有国家认定企业技术中心、博士后科研工作站、国家地方联合工程实验室等科研平台;拥有170多项国家专利技术、2项国家科技进步二等奖、3项国家重点新产品、35项省部级科技成果。 CCGB has been successively honored with national key leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, national technology Innovation demonstration enterprise, national high tech enterprise, etc. CCGB owns scientific research platform like technological center recognized by the state, postdoctoral research station and national local joint engineering laboratory; CCGB possesses more than 170 national patents, 2 second prize of national science and technology progress award, 3 national new key product and 35 provincial scientific achievements. “人与企业共发展”是晨光生物的核心文化理念,以博士生、硕士生为核心、大学生为骨干、庞大专业人才为主体的开拓型、创新型、学习型人才队伍,再加上先进的工艺设备和科学高效的技术创新管理体系,使晨光生物的技术水平和产品品质稳居国际前沿。 “Developing with you together” is our core cultural value. We are a pioneering, innovative and learning-oriented team with doctor, master as the core, college graduates as the backbone and large professional technical as the main body, together with advanced technology equipment and scientific and efficient technology innovation management system, enables our technology level and product quality remain at the international forefront. 晨光生物的发展目标是:继续发挥大规模、低成本的生产优势,建成世界天然提取物产业基地,做大做强保健品、中药提取等大健康产业,为人类健康做贡献! CCGB aims to build the world-class base for natural extracts with the large-scale, low- cost production advantages, make Massive Health Industry such as health products, Chinese medicine extracts etc. more bigger and stronger, do the best for human health.







